Maxine's Daycare INC.
Maxine's Daycare INC.

Maxine's Daycare
Preschool For All Program
Maxine's Daycare
Preschool For All Program
3 Years to 5 Years
3 Years to 5 Years
Maxine's Daycare Center is honored to partner with the Illinois State Board of Education
to offer the Preschool For All Program.
Our Center was awarded the Early Childhood Block Grant in August of 2019, which formally established our collaboration with the Illinois State Board of Education.

Childcare services are available on-site for the families who participate in this program as well!

What Is Preschool For All?
What Is Preschool For All?
The Preschool for All program is a high quality program that brings together qualified staff, a proven curriculum and parent involvement to help prepare children for success in school. Funded by the Illinois State Board of Education, Preschool for All programs are typically half day and follow school calendars. Preschool for All helps children develop the skills they need to succeed in school and later in life. Programs have been designed to meet the learning and developmental needs of each child aged 3-5. There is no cost to parents!
Is my child ready for Preschool for All?
Is my child ready for Preschool for All?
Depending on their birthdays, children ages three to five can enroll in preschool.
Younger children may benefit from participating in our infant and toddler programs here at Maxine's Daycare Center.
All children are screened at the time of enrollment to ensure they are matched with the most appropriate services.

Reading and Language
Reading and Language
-Know that pictures and symbols have meanings
-Identify letters of the alphabet
-Make some letter sound matches
-Begin to develop phonological awareness
-Answer simple questions about a story
-Use drawing and writing skills to relay a message
-Listen, understand and respond to directions
-Know that reading progresses from left to right and top to bottom
-Identify signs and labels in the surroundings.Mathematics
-Recognize numbers and count with understanding
-Use concepts that included number recognition and one-to-one correspondence
-Solve simple mathematical problems
-Beginning to understand the concept of time by following daily schedule and routines
-Sort, classify and compare objects
-Recognize shapes and structures in the surroundings
-Show understanding of measurement
-Beginning to learn addition and subtraction as they sort, classify and make comparison of quantities
-Learning to use senses to observe and discover surroundings
-Learning to use common weather related terms
-Use scientific tools such as thermometers, magnets, balance scales, and magnifying glasses for observations
-Know the concept of night/day as well as the seasons
-Begin to be aware of technology and how it affects us
-Know the basic safety practices
Physical Development and Health
Physical Development and Health
-Participate in active play using grass and fine motor skills
-Follow simple safety rules while doing an activity
-Participate in activities related to physical fitness
-Show increased endurance
-Participate in simple practices that promote healthy living and prevent illness
-Identify body parts and their functions
-Learning to act independently for personal needs
-Use acceptable ways to resolve conflicts
-Learning to cooperate during group activity
Fine Arts
Fine Arts
-Participate in music, dance and drama activities
-Describe their own creative work or of others
-Use creative arts as a way of expressing themselves
Social Studies
Social Studies
-Show understanding of the similarities and differences in people
-Learning to understand the concept of voting as a way of making choices
-Beginning to understand the concept of leadership in the environment
-Beginning to learn & think geographically
-Understand that each of us belong to a family and the differences in every family as to their culture
Social/Emotional Development
Social/Emotional Development
-Know how to express feelings, needs and wants
-Show eagerness and curiosity
-Begin to understand and follow rules
-Learning how to seek solutions to problems
-Displaying initiative and independence in actions
-Show empathy and caring for others
-Begin to share materials and take turns
-Respect the rights of self and others
-Develop relationship with children and adults
-Participate in cooperative groups play
Enrollment Process
Enrollment Process
Families interested in enrolling in the Preschool For All program may participate in a comprehensive screening process that includes a weighted eligibility to determine. Children with the highest needs who are placed first for enrollment according to those needs.
Parent Interview
Parent Interview
The parent interview will includes registration paperwork with confidential family and demographic information, parental permission to participate in the program, proof of income documentation. (and more)
Child Developmental Screening
Child Developmental Screening
Developmental screening is designed to identify problems or delays during​ normal childhood development. When properly applied, screening tests for developmental or behavioral problems in preschool children allow improved outcomes due to early implementation of resources.
Hearing & Vision Screening
Hearing & Vision Screening
Adequate vision and hearing are paramount to educational performance. Impaired vision and/or hearing in children can seriously impede learning and contribute to the development of educational, emotional and behavioral problems. Early discovery and treatment can prevent or at least alleviate many of these problems.